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Josh’s Poetry

After my injury, I had a difficult time expressing myself. I had so much on my mind but found I couldn’t express myself. Poetry has allowed me to express myself in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to. Enjoy!!!

The Accident


My eyes looking at the beach

Like any other day

Unbreakable, I think

Until that single wave

Temporarily imprisoned me

It took me

Too powerful to let go


Floating like a dead fish

I could only imagine

I was going to die

I wasn’t scared

Life was great

I was happy with the life I lived

I awake naked like a newborn baby

A start of a new life

Different, but not ruined

Home Sweet Home

I could only dream of this day

With every day lasting a month

I could only remember

My ascent began 3 months ago

Every day I progress two feet forward

Yet fall back a foot

Because of the boulder attached to my neck

Without my Mom’s help

Pushing the boulder up the mountain

24 hours a day

I would undoubtedly have fallen forever

Into a crevasse

My Dad, a doctor, is used to fixing things

They say that this damage could be irreparable.

He does not believe that is true.

Daily he makes stones disappear

This boulder, though huge, will shatter

He will not rest until it does

Now that I’m home, the real healing can begin.

I’m enveloped in the warmth

Of what my parents have built.

As I embark on this journey

Hope will guide me to the summit.

Ear Candy



Absorb the beauty of life

Appreciate your body’s complexity

A gasp of breath

The patience to hear

The spectrum of sight

A surprising smell

The intensity of love

The glow of laughter

Hands clapping

A moist kiss

The relief of scratching

The ease of walking

Jumping into bed

The release of crying

The satisfaction of sneezing

The eruption of a cough

The freedom to wander

The relaxation of sleep

The adventure of taste

The gulp of swallowing

The sensation of feeling

The power to heal

The endless possibilities of the mind



Absorb the beauty of life

Appreciate your body’s complexity

Different, But not Ruined

Life must go on

A bleak remembrance of what’s gone

Yet the future still holds promise

The mind is strong

The body is weak

I don’t know

I’m just at the doorstep

Waiting for the door to open

I’m in this early stage of a new life

Just learning how to move on my own

As the pages turn, experience gained

Will map out my new road

Paving the way to the next chapter

My new Holy Trinity is keeping me whole

My teacher feeds my mind

My mother feeds my body

My friends feed my inner child

As long as I’m positive

Energy will flow

My body will regain its inner glow

Opportunity expands as technology evolves

Hope is the drug that keeps me steady

If I wasn’t here

If that single wave took me out to sea

I would be a memory

Instead, I can be an inspiration

The unfolding of a great 21st century novel

With an ending no one will forget

My story can illustrate another side of life

No, not ruined at all.

With a full dose of hope

I will go on.

Click Your Level of Injury

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